Saturday, August 12, 2006

Steep drop

Steep drop
Originally uploaded by wereldmuis.
The trail is not especially difficult or dangerous, but it does take you past some pretty steep drops, right off the trail, like this one. Last week, a girl died after falling from this trail: "she fell some 200 feet off a large cliff in Middlefield. She and her friends had just hiked the trails of Mount Higby... Rescue workers had a tough time trying to reach the 17-year-old. A state police helicopter was used to help find her but rescue workers had to carry her out by foot."

Be careful out there, people!


Anonymous said...

that was my best friend who died, her name was Ahley Ellen Parker and she was 17 years old... is this where she fell?

<3 marlee

Anonymous said...

that was my best friend who died, her name was Ahley Ellen Parker and she was 17 years old... is this where she fell?

<3 marlee

md said...

Sorry about your friend. I don't know the exact location where the accident occurred. I only read the report of the fall in the newspaper.

Anonymous said...

thanx so much... your so sweet, thank you for caring and good luck in your adventure through life. be safe<3