Saturday, August 19, 2006


Originally uploaded by wereldmuis.
The Navitas Cacao Powder was a new product that I hadn't seen before. It was undoubtedly the attractive packaging that provoked me to buy, I have to admit it. I've eaten raw cacao beans previously, and they're an acquired taste. To me, they're very acidic - a bit too close to stomach acid to enjoy. Plus this stuff is so much more expensive than the stuff I usually buy to make hot cocoa - Rapunzel Kokoa, which is also a pricey item at $6.50 per 7.1 oz.

Anyway, I decided to give it a go. Here's what the cacao powder looks like upon opening the bag: it's a lighter color than the Rapunzel cocoa powder. It has that strong acidic cacao smell along with a nice cocoa scent.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cacao gets more acidic tasting as it oxidizes. The fresher it is, the tastier it is. LoveLeaf Garden's raw cacao nibs are very fresh and have the perfect level of moisture. When I try to grind them, it clumps up, so I imagine any dry powdered cacao would be quite metallic/acidic tasting.