Sunday, July 20, 2008


Originally uploaded by wereldmuis.

This is a section of the Midstate Trail between Rt 101 and R 119. I think it's in the vicinity of Fisher Hill. When I stopped to check my pace here, I became even more concerned about the time.

I don't like hurrying while hiking. But it was pretty clear that I needed to hurry if I were to make it to the trail's end at the New Hampshire border, which I really wanted to do, and still be able to get back to the car before dark.

So I decided to stop for fewer photos and rest breaks, and to walk faster than I'd prefer on the downhills and straightaways. I kept a normal pace on the uphills, since I knew that attempting to power up those would be counterproductive and wind up slowing me down in the long term.

There's quite a lot of logging going on in this section of the trail. Heading over Blueberry Hill, the trail markers are scattered about poorly, probably due to the cutting. I had to stop and hunt around for a while to find out where the trail had disappeared to.

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