Nice day for a hike, if a bit windy.
Billy pointed out that there are now
no-trespassing signs posted by the city at the entrance to the Mattabesett trail, off Country Club Rd. I had to go check it out.
Indeed, there are now a couple of big old signs that read "NO TRESPASSING PRIVATE PROPERTY NO ATV RIDING ALLOWED PER CITY ORDINANCE 285-22". Apparently this is a reference to Middletown
ordinance 285-22 [PDF], forbidding the use of motor scooters and the like on public property. I don't understand the application of that particular ordinance here, because so far as I can tell, the ordinance has to do with
public property, whereas the sign says this is private property.

Aside from that quibble, the sign is confusing and annoying for anyone coming in on foot. Does "no trespassing" apply only to motorized vehicles, or is the blue trail itself blocked here? There are new blue blazes in the immediate vicinity of the no trespassing signs; you can see them in this photo. The signs were not there last summer, and I'm pretty sure that at least some of the blue blazes are new, too.
This requires further investigation.