Monday, January 29, 2007

Water is restored

This morning, around 9 am, water was once again flowing in my apartment (in the good, expected way - from the taps, not from the ceiling!). As I suspected, the story from management was most interesting. Well, maybe not as interesting as I had hoped. They had not caused the problem - it was someone from the fire department, who had randomly shut off all kinds of valves to stop a leaking pipe that had burst when freezing/thawing elsewhere in the apartment complex. Oddly, this did not comfort me. And as for the fact that there was no one picking up the phone at the office all weekend long? They had no idea! There must be something wrong with their system. They'll look into it...

I hate apartment living, but I think you get the same sort of thing if you own a home. I suppose it's a toss-up.

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