Sunday, November 30, 2008

Tank sixty-seven

Total miles: 24615. Trip miles: 404.5. Gallons: 7.368. Price per gallon: $2.039.

Screen mileage: 55.2 mpg. Tank mileage: 54.9 mpg.

Almost entirely highway miles, at temperatures around 30 to 40°F.


bawa said...

i am trying to work this out in kms/per litre/at European prices for comparison, and my head is spinning.
I do a 100 kms for every 5.1 litres, current price, 1.00 euro more or less.
How does that compare?

md said...

Hi bawa,

Thanks for stopping by!

You need to convert miles / gallon to kilometers / liter to figure this out.

I used google calculator to find the conversion factors between US and metric units, but you can find them all over the web:
(1 mi/gal) * (0.264 gal / 1 l) * (1 km / 0.621 mi) = 0.425 km/l.

So 55.2 mi/gal = 55.2 * (0.425 km/l) = 23.5 km/l. For a driving distance of 100 km, you will use (100 km)/(23.5 km/l) = 4.3 liters of gas.

To convert the cost of a gallon of gas in USD to the cost of a liter of gas in EU, we need to convert dollars / gallon to euros / liter. Again I've used google calculator, although exchange rates will vary wildly over time, so this only applies for current exchange rates:

Computing the conversion factor: ($1 / gal) * (0.264 gal / 1 l) * (€0.749 / $1) = €0.198/l.

So $2.039/gal = 2.039 * €0.198/l = 0.4 €/l. Compare that to the typical price of a liter of gas in Europe, something around €1.5/l, and we find Europeans are paying about 4 times what Americans do for gas. Of course, that's ignoring numerous costs of gasoline to American society that are not directly factored into the price at the pump.


bawa said...

Hi md,
Thanks for doing the calculation, I see your consumption now. Miles and gallons always confuse me.
Only note that I am currently paying about 0.82 cents/litre for my gas, so in fact only about double? yours.
At the petrol price high, I paid about 1.15ish this summer.